Microsoft Agent Character Viewer

Agent Character exit branching

This assumes you have the Microsoft Agent Character Editor and are familar with it BMP or GIF images.

Open the Microsoft Agent Character Editor, open an ACD file or Edit and New Animation. Now click the + Plus sign to open the animations file. If there are no animations do Edit and New Animation so you have one. Click once on your Animation to highlight it. For our sample we want 4 frames. Press the new frame icon until you have 4 frames. Now from the top click on your animation, under the Return Animations dropdown box select Use Exit Branching.
Now with each frame we will be under the Branching tab unless noted

Exit Branching
Ex: 1
Frame 1 check Exit after frame to 4
Frame 2 check Exit after frame to 1
Frame 3 check Exit after frame to 2 and Normal Branching 100% to 4
Frame 4 nothing under branching, under General tab only for this frame set to 0 Duration
To extend the frames in frames 1 and 3 change the 4 to your last frame number. Use frame 2 as an example for extra frames, frame # -1 for the Exit after frame to #.
Now just add your images BMP 256 colors or GIF. Make any adjustments to your Durations Frame 1 to 3. Frame 1 is commonly used for your base frame or your RestPost frame.

Now when you build your character and the animation runs it will reverse the frame order when it completes. Example say it is a MoveRight animation, it will go from frame 1 to 3 then move right. When done moving it will reverse the order back to your normal pose. If this animation was speech capable the mouth Overlays would go in frame 3.

Exit Branching using a different exit animation
To use a different exit animation. We will use 8 frames here. On animation Return Animation dropdown select Use Exit Branching.
Frame 1 to 3 nothing in the branching just your animation.
Frame 4 check Exit after frame to 5 and Normal Branching 100% to 8
Frame 5 to 7 no branching just the frame of the exit sequence
Frame 8 nothing under branching, under General tab only for this frame set to 0 Duration
Here your animation runs 1 to 4 then as in the top example if it were MoveRight it would move until it stops then go from Frame 5 to 7

Exit branching with a looping animation
Using Ex: 1 in Frame 3 change Normal Branching 100% to 3
This will cause the animation to loop Frame 3 and still use the exit branching.

In a Default Character this would be used in Idle3_2 animation where the character commonly falls asleep or goes into some loop.

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