Beauty TipHydrate And Nourish Lips With Shea Butter
Traditional chapsticks contain petrolatum, mineral oil, and hormone-disrupting oxybenzone. Replace these with nourishing natural ingredients such as shea butter (or cocoa butter) and coconut oil. Make your own lip salve using equal parts of these ingredients.


My doctor took one look at my gut and refused to believe that I work out. So I listed the exercises I do every day: jump to conclusions, climb the walls, drag my heels, push my luck, make mountains out of molehills, bend over backward, run around in circles, put my foot in my mouth, go over the edge, and beat around the bush.

Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa


Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.
-- Alphonse Karr

Lotto number, tickets


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